Work Available

The joy of the LORD is your strength.
Nehemiah 8:10

여호와를 기뻐하는 것이 너희의 힘이니라.
느헤미아 8:10

Housekeeper 가정부: Private Residence

Christian housekeeper required by a retired couple.

We are living in a single storey house, with no pets.

Regular duties:

Domestic services

Assistance with daily life

Occasional duties:

Assistance with social and community participation

Skills and qualities:
Work requirements:

All applicants will be considered within 5 days and suitable applicants will be called for an interview.

Apply here

모든 지원자는 5일 이내에 고려되며 적합한 지원자는 인터뷰를 위해 연락 할 것입니다.
